FIOH Holiday Campaign

‘Tis the season for a campaign to spread joy and encourage people to rest.

CONCEPT The last month of the year is a busy and stressful time for many people. Projects must be finished and the rush to start the holidays make the workdays longer. FIOH wants to remind that the world doesn’t need to be ready before the new year. For the campaign page we collected expert advise for a soft landing to the holiday season.
We made shareable work-themed holiday greeting cards that carried the main message of taking a break.
The campaign landing page was a news article on FIOH website that was updated weekly with new tips on how to wind down for the season. The tips were targeted for a new group each week: managers, teams and individuals.

The scope of visuals and messaging included FIOH homepage, campaign landing page, newsletter, social profiles,  organic posts and advertising on social media.


Creative: Alexandra Karlsson, Kristiina Rissanen, Ella Smeds 

Copywriter: Alexandra Karlsson

Art Director: Kristiina Rissanen

Graphic Designer, Illustrator: Kristiina Rissanen

Brand visual guidelines: Ella Smeds

Special thanks to Maiju Kettunen (animation), Eveliina Haataja (copywriting)

Images from Getty Images

Brand campaign for FIOH
